Message from the Mayor

February 2025

Mayor John Reddington

A Message from Mayor Reddington

Hello and Welcome to Ocean View’s Website!   We’re glad you’re connecting with the Town and your Town Council, employees, boards and commission members stand ready to serve as needed.  As I enter the final years of my second term I can share that all of the committed individuals serving in the capacities noted above have made me realize just how fortunate our community is.   We have a lot of individuals working together respectfully to do what’s best for Ocean View!  I’m very proud to call Ocean View my home!

In recent years we have celebrated the Town turning 135, we’ve taken a strong look at our future financial forecast, boosted community building events, purchased open space, navigated the planning of the remaining few new developments, and funded over $2 million in infrastructure projects for street and stormwater maintenance.   

On the horizon, as we realize the reduction of a prime revenue stream due to reaching full Town build out, that of transfer tax revenue, we will likely be addressing this new normal by making some adjustments to how we fund larger, long life projects and the maintenance and use of our reserves.  These moves, with the guidance of contracted financial planners will be made proactively to ensure Ocean View remains competitive and able to deliver its desired services.  

I’m also proud of the teams we have in place and that I’ve witnessed working together for the betterment of our community.   Of note is that of the Ocean View Police Department.  The department enjoys a high level of community support and in turn is greatly focused on engaging with the community, providing training to the public and serving with dignity, alongside all other Town departments.   Regularly reported to be one of the safest places to live in Delaware, our commitment to and by our officers is a high priority.    Financial stewardship is also a high priority and Ocean View can boast years of unmodified audits (the highest local government can achieve) and awards for budget preparation and transparency from the Government Finance Office Association.   Add to that the receipt of National planning awards for our comprehensive plan and I can only say, Ocean View is taking care of business!

2025, is off to a great start in Ocean View!


Very Sincerely, 

Mayor John Reddington