Municipal Goverment

The Town Charter that outlines the structure of government for the Town of Ocean View was adopted on April 1, 2003.  The Town Charter created a council manager form of government.  All legislative powers of the Town are vested in a Council consisting of a Mayor and four Councilpersons.

The Charter specifies the election of the Councilpersons and the Mayor.  Each Councilperson, as well as the Mayor, is elected by a plurality of all registered town voters.  The Mayor’s duties include presiding over the Council meetings; representing the Town in emergencies; and policy making and administrative oversight duties for the Public Safety Department.

The Mayor and Councilpersons are elected to three year terms and are limited to two consecutive terms in office.  The terms of office are staggered so that at least one Councilperson is up for election every year.  After leaving the Mayor’s post or Council post, the outgoing Mayor and/or Councilperson must wait one year before being eligible to seek another term of office.  This limitation, however, does not apply to a Councilperson having completed two consecutive terms from running for Mayor and serving in this position for two consecutive terms as would also be the case for a Mayor running for a vacating Councilperson seat.

The Town Manager is appointed by the Mayor and Council and serves at the pleasure of the Mayor and Council.  The role of the Town Manager is to be the Chief Executive Officer of the Town and to supervise the day-to-day operations of all of the departments of Town Government.  The Town Manager is charged with developing the annual and long range Capital Improvements budgets.  He/she is assisted by three department heads—Administrative Official/Director of Public Works; Director of Finance; and the Chief of Police.

The General and Administrative Department includes finance, records management, financial overseeing of the municipal water system, budgeting, and tax collections.

The Administrative Official Department includes planning and zoning, annexation, rental licensing, business licensing, building permits, and site planning.

The Public Safety Department includes providing protection and safety to the Town citizens through a municipal police force.

The Public Works Department includes maintenance of the Town’s park, public buildings, streets and drainage.  The Administrative Official is also the Director of Public Works.

Qualifications for Mayor and Council Members

Each Council member and the Mayor must be at least 18 years old and be a registered voter in the Town of Ocean View. The Mayor must have resided in the Town at least two years immediately preceding the date of the election and the Council members at least one year.  Each Council member must be a resident of the district they represent on the Council.  The Mayor and Council members are elected at large.


Pursuant to the Rules governing the procedure of the Town of Ocean View Town Council/Commissions (Revised May 11, 2010), please be aware of the following: 

Each person addressing the Town Council/Commission shall identify him/herself by name and place of residence for the record and shall address all of his/her remarks to the Town Council/Commission as a body and not to any member thereof.  Each person (i) shall limit his/her remarks to the matter under discussion, (ii) shall be permitted to speak only one time on the matter under discussion, and (iii) shall speak no longer than three (3) minutes.  No person, other than a member of the Town Council/Commission, is permitted to enter a discussion of the matter under consideration.  No members of the public are permitted to ask questions of any speaker while the speaker is addressing the Council/Commission or of a Councilmember/Commissioner without the permission of the presiding officer.   

All persons attending in person or participating electronically in a Town Council meeting should conduct themselves in an orderly fashion. No applause or other disruptive behavior is permitted. Please do not do anything that distracts from these proceedings and follow the direction of the Mayor/presiding officer. If you have a cell phone or other electronic device with you, please take the time to turn it off or switch it to silent service.

Lastly, any individual may submit a written statement in lieu of or in addition to verbal comments about matters under consideration.